B.I.O.® permette all’imprenditore di indentificare i principali Paesi target per l’azienda B.I.O.® permette all’imprenditore di indentificare i principali Paesi target per l’azienda
MVM partners internazionalizzazione

Business Intelligence Overview ®

B.I.O.® identifies the most attractive countries for the business of companies, in terms of growth trends, market demand, risk and accessibility.
The Map of Opportunities uses the Big Data of over 60 international databases, queried on customs codes and activity codes.

B.I.O.® allows the entrepreneur to:

identify the main target countries for the company

take strategic decisions

study the export performance of the main competitors

Competition benchmark with sector peer groups

B.I.O. Business Intelligence Overview per ogni prodotto identifichiamo i Paesi più attrattivi in termini di trend di crescita, domanda di mercato, rischio e accessibilità.


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